Wechmar ... Where Is the Bach Place of Wechmar Located in Thuringia, Germany Precisely?

Like you prefer it: Wechmar is a Bach place or Wechmar is the Bach Ancestral Community. The town sign above is not quite up to date, because there is no longer a municipality Günthersleben-Wechmar. Wechmar is in the meantime a district of Drei Gleichen.




The Bach Place of Wechmar Is "Bogo"


Firstly, the Bach Stammhaus (... Bach Ancestral Home) as well as the Veit Bach Mill in the Bach location of Wechmar are only a full seven minutes away from the A4 autobahn. What does that mean? It means that once you are on the road in the "Land of the Bache", you can quite possibly "accommodate" Wechmar as well. And a parking space ... you don't have to look for it there either. It's less than 20 meters from the Bach Ancestral Home. And to the point? Wechmar is very close to Gotha in Thuringia.​


Wechmar is of very special importance for the history of Bach. So a trip to Bach should perhaps include a side trip. Here are some distances: It's around five minutes drive to the Bach city of Gotha. Gotha is in absolute neighborhood. Further down on this page you will find the Bach location Wechmar best on the map.


To the Bach city of Arnstadt it is only 22 minutes. To the Bach city of Ohrdruf it is even only 13 minutes. The lovely Bach location Dornheim is also only 22 minutes away. To the Bach city of Weimar you drive 39 minutes. The distance to Eisenach is 33 minutes. To the Bach city of Mühlhausen it takes 55 minutes. In Köthen you are in two hours. And finally: To the Bach city of all, Leipzig, you drive one hour and 40 minutes. You don't even want to know how far it is to the Bach city of Lüneburg. All times are, of course, without traffic jams. Please continue reading under the advertising.


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The 2024 Pipe Organ Wall Calendar and a Historic Bach Beer Stein

It is the Bach beer stein from 1985, so it's a historic one. On the right side, it's the current pipe organ wall calendar.



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To the Bach Place of Wechmar Via Your GPS


If you have rented a car with GPS, then type in Wechmar, or Drei Gleichen Wechmar or the ZIP code 99869. After that, the "Bachstrasse" (Bach Street, maybe also Bachstraße with that strange letter " ß "). And finally the house number 4 ... and off you go.




To the Bach Place of Wechmar on Foot



You find the question too strange? Johann Sebastian Bach walked ( ! ) from Ohrdruf to Lüneburg. To Lüneburg this is after all 380 kilometers (... 236 miles). And he also walked later, during his time in Arnstadt, from Arnstadt to Lübeck: That was even a few kilometers more, in fact 471 (... 293 miles).


But well, a promise is a promise. From the neighboring town of Gotha to Wechmar you walk one hour and 45 minutes, from the Bach city of Ohrdruf to Wechmar you need almost exactly two hours on foot, to the Bach city of Arnstadt it is a little more than three. From Wechmar you walk to Eisenach in eight hours. By the way, Eisenach offers the most "Bach for your time and money". And to the Bach city of Mühlhausen you hike about ten hours. Leipzig, the city where Bach lived and worked the longest, is a 28-hour walk. To the Bach city of Köthen it is an exhausting 31. All values are, of course, non-binding and apply to an average adult and without any breaks.



To the Bach Place of Wechmar by Bicycle


However, walking to Wechmar ... you certainly don't want to do that. Unless you are staying in Gotha during your vacation. Fact is, if you're in Ohrdruf, why not make a detour to Wechmar, the cradle of the Bach dynasty of musicians, by far the largest and most important musical family on earth. So after we can probably exclude your exploration of the Bach cities and Bach locations on foot ... it is more likely to be possible by bicycle. You can also find the way with your navigation system. A particularly exciting offer is Bach by Bike.


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