
Gifts for Musicians, Many Gifts for Musicians: Composers Calendars, Bach Calendars, Music Calendars!


Music + gifts = musician gifts and gifts for music fans: At "Bach 4 You" there are 1,000+ musician gifts around the theme. 90 of these musician gifts, however, you get nowhere else. Not on the internet, not in bookstores and not anywhere else either. In fact, these are the 90 hot-off-the-press music calendars from my Publishing House: music calendars for teens and adults, music calendars for children, composers calendars and, finally, the Bach calendars. Of course, all of them are suitable as gifts and not only for musicians, but also for music fans. For still small music fans and quite naturally: also for already big music fans.​



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Gifts of Musicians and Gifts for Music Fans: 13 Cool "Departments"


As musician gifts we distinguish three sorts, in fact calendars and Bach gifts and finally "all kinds of things" about our internet stores Zazzle, Spreadshirt, CafePress and Redbubble. 99 music calendars, in fact 33 Bach calendars, 33 music calendars and 33 composers calendars are always available in two price groups each and in addition they are also available in three sizes each: In fact, there are nine inexpensive music calendars and there are 90 hot-off-the-press music calendars. The freshly printed ones are not quite as affordable as the inexpensive ones, but not much more expensive either. However, all calendars are great musician gifts and of course cool gifts for music fans and also hip gifts for those who have to do with music professionally.​



On This Page "Out of Competition": More Bach Gifts in More Bach Shops

In fact, there are many more Bach gifts here ... did you know that "Bach 4 You" offers them in five stores? Here's more info.



"Department" No. 1: The Value Priced Bach Calendar ... A Gift for Bach Fans

Music + gift + Bach = a surprise for everyone who loves Bach's music. On the theme of Bach, there is a favorable calendar and 32 calendars hot-off-the-press. You can discover them all via the store. They are the perfect musician gifts and the perfect gifts for music lovers. To the shop.



"Department" No. 2: One Value Priced Music Calendar ... What a Music Gift!

A dream of photo motifs and a great gift for music fans and pipe organ fans. There is a favorable Bach calendar, the favorable Mozart calendar, the favorable Beethoven calendar, the favorable Luther calendar and further five favorable music calendars. One of them is always the current pipe organ calendar, every year a next one with more exciting pipe organs.



"Department" No. 3: The Additional Five Value Priced Music Calendars ... Perfect Music Gifts

It is a real "hot seller" in the ranking. And it does so every year. Although it's the same great opera houses around the world every year. And all photographed in the so-called "blue hour", that is, after sunset and just before it is dark.

Music + gift + composers makes a composers calendar. And a musician gift. Or if you like, a music gift. Alternatively, if you like, a perfect gift for all classical music lovers. What a play on words. To the shop?

Music + gift + composers = composers calendar, example 2. What a musician gift, what a music gift.

Explore, in addition to the music gifts above on this page, five other affordable music calendars in the store. In fact, there are also two composer calendars in landscape format. In addition, you can also view all twelve monthly sheets there. With one click you can get there, and quite quickly. But attention, attention: In the composers calendar above you will find twelve different ( ! ) composers on the monthly sheets! Unlike the twelve Mozart motifs in the Mozart calendar a few pictures further. And in the Beethoven calendar. And in the Luther calendar.

One of two inexpensive musical instrument calendars, a great music gift, a great gift for musicians.

The second inexpensive music calendar, also a musical instrument calendar.

The angels calendar in the Publishing House "Bach 4 You". It was only because these cute little angels all make music that they were allowed into the publishing range at all. 


In the Publishing House and there in the store there is – much later than all other music calendars – since a short time the so-called Composers Edition in the offer. What is special about the three specimens ... there are no more in this "department" ... is that in these three calendars no twelve artists are portrayed on twelve inside sheets, but twelve motifs of the gentleman on the calendar title in each case. So twelve times Beethoven, twelve times Mozart and twelve times Luther. Please ... do not confuse the calendars: On several of them Mozart is on the title, but he and his colleagues are on the monthly pages. On one, it is different. And this is also true for the Beethoven calendar.

There is only one Mozart calendar published by "Bach 4 You".


And there is – in our opinion – only one such Martin Luther calendar on the planet at all.



"Department" No. 4: Here Are the Hot Off the Press Bach Calendars, 32 Hot Off the Press Bach Calendars

Elias Gottlob Haußmann painted Bach in 1746 as he actually looked. That is, more or less, because the old masters did it a little back then, too: they "prettified" or "photoshopped" their clients. Nevertheless: All others, even the well-known painters, have painted Bach's portrait, however, "pi times thumb" exactly as they imagined him, in fact Bach. And painters can still do that today, of course. Twelve artists who make their living from painting in the 21st century have reinterpreted Haußmann's portrait of Bach for us. The result is a cool musical gift for absolute mavericks. And also ... you guessed it ... a hip musician gift. To the shop.



"Department" No. 6: Gifts for Musicians and More Gifts for Musicians ... 32 More Great Music Calendars: From Traditional to Ultra Cool

Simply noble and very, very conservative: a composers calendar hot off the press ... the gift for Christmas for music lovers. And of course, you know that: This music calendar is of course not only good for musicians, but also for music lovers. Please do not be deceived by the headline.

Yes ... music. You can hang a calendar like this in your room at the age of 16. And even when you are 103, if you are still really young. Music + gifts + calendars, that's Bach 4 You, the young, new calendar Publishing House in Southern Germany.



"Department" No. 6: Children + Music + Gifts = 32 More Music Calendars for Children ... and Two Examples Follow Right Here and Now! All Are Hot Off the Press!

What you can do with this children's calendar? You "do it to your own offspring" and hang the calendar over the crib already at a time when your daughter or son can not really resist yet. This works so already at the age of a few weeks. Or you can give it as a gift. To friends who love music. By the way, all little ones can literally "grow into" such a music calendar, like into a romper suit that is still much too big. Music for children, that's our thing, the thing of "Bach 4 You". And maybe we will lead some of the enthusiasts to ... Johann Sebastian Bach. Please ... don't take it too seriously, of course. Thank you. This music calendar is now finally also no musician gift, because who is a musician at two or three years?

Music, gifts, children? Then we have quite a few for you. There are 33 music calendars for kids, teens, teenagers and young adults who love music or who are learning their first musical instrument or even for kids who are just discovering classical music alongside current music at the same time. Of course, both calendars above are meant for younger kids. In fact, at 16, you really don't hang such a calendar on your wall anymore.​



"Department" No. 7: 27 More Composers Calendars ... Gifts Related to the Theme of Music. For Instance for Musicians and for Music Fans as Well ... However ... Now All Hot Off the Press!

No, this gift, that is this composer calendar, is not uncool. It is just ... just not cool. Because it's a very, very conservative composers calendar: So it's a perfect music gift for slightly more serious music lovers. Or ... you guessed it ... a musician gift for more serious musicians. Your quick click to the shop.

Do you want to discover more examples composers calendars? To hand it as a gift to yourself or to find a gift to hand it to friends? So, actually ... you are here so welcome! Because you get to the shop ... here.



"Department" No. 8: The Affordable Wine Calendar

What now? Wine calendars? Really wine calendars in a Music Calendar Publishing House? Yup, that's right. And why is that? Because my publishing house is in a wine town. In fact, in Flein near Heilbronn in Southern Germany. As photographers and creatives, we have of course photographed many beautiful motifs in this small community over the years. And what could be more obvious than to also make a wine calendar about Flein. We had fun with that and immediately put together another eleven wine calendars. Above it is the inexpensive wine calendar: We have it printed in a small edition, and you profit from it. The other eleven are wine calendars hot off the press. And all of them can be personalized. Here you get directly in the store to the wine calendars.



"Department" No. 10: Eleven Hot Off the Press Wine Calendars

The noblest of all wine calendars in my Publishing House and perhaps in the whole universe. Portrait format. Be sure to look at the monthly pages. Here you get directly again to all wine calendars and there please decide for this "Black & Wine" calendar. By the way: This wine calendar can also be personalized.



"Department" No. 11: The Bach Gifts at "Bach 4 You" ... for Musicians and for Music Fans

Would you like to discover all Bach gifts? As already mentioned above, this is again best done in the store, because there you will find simply musician gifts and more musician gifts, gifts for music fans and just gifts for all who have only remotely to do with music. Please click on this link. This here is the coloring book of Peter Bach Jr. and his cousin Briana Bach-Hertzog. I ended up layouting it and publishing it. So this Bach Coloring Book is a real family product in terms of "music and gift".



"Department" No. 12: The Biography About Johann Sebastian Bach for Children

The Biography about Johann Sebastian Bach for Children is really something special: Because it is produced exclusively by members of the musician's family. It was written by my husband. His sister Petra-Ines contributed the illustrations and all the rest ... certainly twice as much effort as writing and painting, that was done by me. Here you come quite fast on the "own"" website of this cute book about the composer.



"Department" No. 13: Our Bach Gifts on Zazzle. However ... Please ... What Is Zazzle?

If you really like our designs of composers or also the Bach ones, then there is almost no item you can think of at Zazzle that you can't get printed with our artwork. Well, you can't order airplanes there, cars either. And no submarines and elephants. So ... You do know and what we mean by that. In fact, you just need to click on the link at the end of this line and even if you don't want to buy anything right now, that's a real "adventure playground" there, maybe new and exciting for you. Click here to get there, there's where it's going on.

Just click on one of the buttons. At your destination decide for the next click.

Music, music: What kind of a page would this be on our Bach Mission website if it didn't end with a really cool Bach and music-themed calendar?! All 99 music calendars are great music gifts and not just musician gifts. Now will you remember this coming October? The many music calendars, the composer calendars and the Bach calendars? And our internet address? Actually, you do not need to remember the address at all. There is nothing easier than to find it again in November or December: Just google "composers calendars" there they are way up there, probably even at number 1. "Bach 4 You" is the store in the common Bach mission: a great address for musician gifts and for music gifts. And nothing but musician gifts and just music gifts ... Gifts just for everyone who loves music. 99 music calendars. Three sizes. This year and next year. One last time to my store.

The 2000 Bach Beer Stein and the actual Pipe Organ Calendar: two perfect music gifts for Bach lovers and music lovers.

A now really very last hint to all five Bach stores. You get more info here.



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