Wechmar, Thuringia, Germany: Wechmar Is Bach Location No. 1 


Welcome to Bach in Wechmar. Would you have known: Here in Wechmar, the No. 1 of all Bach locations, lived Veit Bach about 400 years ago, the first musician in the family of the Bache, as they were called at that time. Have I awakened your interest? By the way, the second musical Bach – Hans – also lived in the Bach location Wechmar.​


In a four-minute short video the Bach location Wechmar in Thuringia presents itself. This is where the story of Johann Sebastian Bach's ancestors, mentioned in the "Origin of the Musical Bachish Family" (... in the "Ursprung der musicalisch-Bachischen Familie"), began over 400 years ago.


99 Music Calendars, Composers Calendars and Bach Calendars

Bach calendars are perfect music gifts. Three sizes. EU + US style. This year and next year. To the shop.



One Bach Store? No ... You Have a Wide Choice in Five Bach Stores of the Publisher and Our Bach Mission

Bach-T-shirts, Mozart T-shirts, Beethoven T-shirts. To the shops.

The 2000 Bach Beer Stein, on the right side the actual Pipe Organ Calendar.

The Martin Luther Calendar. 



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